lørdag, juli 27, 2013

There will be flowers on the table

Malin, Shulamit and Liv in the "glassveranda". Malin is Elins daughter, Elin is Bjørgs daughter, Bjørg is the daughter of Jenny og Einar på Slettnes. Shulamit and Liv are the daughters of Miriam and David, Miriam is the daughter of Ellen and Sylfest. Ellen is the daughter of Rønnaug and Isak i Drammen.

Amelia, Malin, Shulamit and Liv.
Amelia is the daughter of Birgit and David, Shulamit, Liv and Freya is the daughters of Miriam and David.

Amelia, Freya, Shulamit and Liv.

Malin and Freya.

Birgit, Arnstein Berg and Arnsteins girlfriend Hilde. Arnstein is the son of Stein Arild Berg and Tone Berg from Kviteseid. Sylfest is Tones uncle.

Sidsel outside the "glassveranda".

Elin, daughter of Bjørg and Lars, Bjørg is the daughter of Jenny and Einar på Slettnes.

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